All Silhouette shooters in Germany must be member of the BDS (Bund Deutscher Sportschützen 1975 e. V., www.bdsnet.de, www.bds-silhouette.de). The BDS is the second largest shooters association in Germany. It is federally organized and has 1500 member clubs and numerous individual members in all states of Germany. The membership of the BDS is 40,900, of which approximately 150 are registered as Silhouette shooters.
The first Silhouette Match in Germany was held in Baumholder in 1987. The German Nationals take place since the year 2000 in Philippsburg, Baden-Württemberg. Big Bore Rifle events have to be shot at a different location, since the range in Philippsburg does not accommodate distances longer than 200 meters for silhouette shooting. In recent years, these events were shot at the range of Ludvikovice in the neighboring Czech Republic.
As of 2008, there are also National Championships for Air Rifles and Pistols in Bamberg, Bavaria.
Additionally, the BDS has introduced new silhouette categories: FP (Field Pistol) Pistole Standard and Optik, FP Revolver Standard and Optik and Lever Action Rifle, which were first shot at the 2009 Nationals.
Martin Öhm